Welcome to Term 3 @ Penguino Games Co

Welcome to Term 3 @ Penguino Games Co

Welcome back to another amazing term at HHS Coding Club! We’re excited to tell you whats currently going on in the development of Pew Pew Penguino.

Development has started! 🥳🥳

We’ve finally started using Unity to code the game. We’re using assets made by students who’ve learned how to use Blender. Look on our website (penguinogame.me) to see some other interesting stuff. We’re also making our assets publicly avaliable for anyone as long as you acknowledge us for our creations :-) (https://github.com/Henley-High-School/pew-pew-penguino-assets)

Coding Cat!

Oooh… Concepts! 👀

We’ve have an amazing Coding Club member whos made us some amazing Concept Art! Have a look below!

Poll Time | If your penguin could have a special superpower, what would it be?

P.S - The results will be posted next time! (Two Weeks). :-)

See you next article!

We’ll see in two weeks for the next issue of The Penguino Logs.


Benjamin Graetz & Kris Devgan

Managers | The Penguino Logs


or to participate.